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The Urgent Need for 'Compassion Studies'
Transdiciplinarity. Transformative Learning. Civic Engagement.
Away from the main highways of development, there are growing pathways addressing many civilisational challenges we are faced with. It is within this nourishing yearning to seek a lasting solution, a proposal for compassion studies is being made. It is being proposed as a critique of growth, disciplinarity and the university form. It is a proposal to address a world where there is a critical 'deficit' of cosmological thinking, empathy, dialogue and compassion. It is also proposed to heal the fragmentary knowledge silos created by disciplinarity and the wounds of cruelty that we have inflicted on the body of humanity and all of nature.
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Learning Vision
A Self-Conscious Compassionate Society.
Learning Objectives
1) To be acquainted with the various discourses on compassion.
2) To be familiar with the theories of society, peace, and compassion.
3) To be familiar with new humanities, transdisciplinarity, transformative learning and civic engagement.
4) To understand the methodologies for the study and practice of compassion, including contemplative traditions..
5) To understand the political-economic and cultural causes of human and non-human suffering.
6) To be familiar with the ways for nurturing civic governance and policies for compassion.
7) To be familiar with civic engagement, public compassion and the common good.
Learning Outcomes
1) Ability to distinguish the various discourses on compassion in discussion and debates.
2) Ability to deploy various methodologies, including contenmplative ones, for the study and practcie of compassion.
3) Ability to engage with transdisciplinarity, transformative learning and civic engagement in the study of compassion.
4) Ability to discern the individual and structural causes of human and non-human suffering.
5) Ability to act from a theory of compassionate action (or orientation) for the common, and public, good.
6) Ability to promote dialogue, human dignity, peace, and compassionate governance.
7) Ability to network, collaborate, communicate and disseminate work, ideas and action on and for compassion.
Components of Compassion Studies:
3 Inter-Connected, Multi-Layered Ecologies

To Realise a Learningful Encounter With Compassion,
Know Yourself Better.
Know more about the learning ecology approach and 'know thyself' effort to embark on any learning effort. You may want to return/revisit the "tools" on the Know Compassion page.
(Please study the diagrams at the site above and the 'ecology of questions' you need to raise. There is a need to engage with the questions raised, reflect on them, make attempts to answer them as part of your journey to make sense. This is a critical stage. There is a need to periodically return to these questions as your learning progresses.)
(Important Note:
To contextualise this process, please do spend some time carefully here. Hopefully, it helps. This learning journey to engage with compassion is a journey 'back home' ( to Mother Nature and not away from it) and there is a critical need to develop a new orientation, 'language'. technology, pathways, and a sense of being.)