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Making Sense of Compasssion: A Self-Exploratory Workbook

A Learningful Encounter With Compassion

This is a personal workbook for young persons and students. (Helps anyone interested in compassion.)  It is a flipbook. You do not have to download. Exercises can be done in a notebook.  But you do have a pdf download option (on the flipbook toolbar. If you have any problem do write me a note. )


This is not a test. Take it as a learning encounter with compassion, to know more about what it is or it is not. In all its nuances. The workshop is to help you develop your own sense of what compassion might be.

Time and patience are needed to go through the workbook. Please avoid rushing through it. You can also do it over 2 or 3 sittings.


It is a preliminary exercise for you to make sense of the rich nuances of meanings or multi-vocality associated with the term 'compassion'. It will help anyone before getting deep into the whole 'learning ecology of compassion'. Do start by suspending all preconceived notions of compassion.

You will find two additional flipbooks for those who want to delve into a self-discovery journey of who you really are. Here is a link to an initiative by my students (UNFOLD NEST). We believe such a contemplative journey is critical to engage with compassion as emotion, as virtue, as private action and as public response.


Please do keep a diary or notebook with take note, to write done new thoughts and help you in reflection and contemplation...and eventually to act.

If you are on a learning journey that involves your search for compassion

by knowing your self better, please go through the  two flipbooks below. And UNFOLD NEST. 

For the Seeker-Learners

Empathetic Compassion

A self-exploratory, self-development reflective journey to understand the contours of one's self. Are we compassionate?

(This is self-evaluated "instrument" based on an adaptation from here:

Polarities and Spiritual Journey 

Twenty-seven interior movements in the journey of spirituality.

This not-for-profit site, created by Nat (Dr. M. Nadarajah), former Chair Professor at Xavier Centre for New Humanities and Compassion Studies, Xavier University Bhubaneswar, India, is purely for educational purpose. [Please note: I have used many of my photos. In addition, I have curated/sourced photos from, www. and Thank you to all photographers who have shared their creativity and hard work. Special thanks to Gerd Altmann ( whose imaginative composition of socially relevant images seem to exactly fit my creative needs. Where possible, all other web resources have been duly linked to original source. Thank you.] 2020/2021  

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