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  • Heather Keating and Jo Bridgeman, "Compassionate Killings: The Case for a Partial Defence", The Modern Law Review, Vol. 75 (5), September 2012,, pp. 697-721

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  • M. Nadarajah, "UN ‘Sustainable’ Development Goals Hijacking Our Compassion for the World," Aliran, 18th June 2019,

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  • Ron Paterson, "Can We Mandate Compassion?", The Hastings Center Report, Vol. 41 (2) , March-April 2011), pp. 20-23

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  • Stijn Joye, "The Hierarchy of Global Suffering: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Television News Reporting on Foreign Natural Disasters," The Journal of International Communication, Vol. 15 92), 2009, pp. 45 - 61.

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  • Tulipani, Courtney L., "Social Media's Impact on Compassion",  Capstone Projects and Theses. Paper 526. 2016.

This not-for-profit site, created by Nat (Dr. M. Nadarajah), former Chair Professor at Xavier Centre for New Humanities and Compassion Studies, Xavier University Bhubaneswar, India, is purely for educational purpose. [Please note: I have used many of my photos. In addition, I have curated/sourced photos from, www. and Thank you to all photographers who have shared their creativity and hard work. Special thanks to Gerd Altmann ( whose imaginative composition of socially relevant images seem to exactly fit my creative needs. Where possible, all other web resources have been duly linked to original source. Thank you.] 2020/2021  

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