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Cluster 2:
Social Ecology of Suffering
The structural and cultural bases of 'man-made' suffering of humans and non-humans.
What are the different levels, or forms, of human suffering? Why is there so much of pain and suffering, disasters and death in the world today? How do we make sense of both human and non-human suffering amidst so much of affluence and conveniences? Why are so many children dying everyday? Even more serious is, how do we allow this suffering to grow and live with it? What is the role of the human designed social, symbolic and physical structural edifice in institutionalising cruelty and suffering, and even unnecessary deaths? Do our lifestyle or the choices we make on a daily basis contribute to human and non-human suffering? Why is the arms industry flourishing amidst so much of human suffering connected to conflicts and wars? What is the role of mainstream education, and other related institutions, in creating, promoting, perpetuating, and sustaining human and non-human suffering? What is the role business in cuasing human suffering? How do you deal with alienation and meaninglessnes in life and work? Why are so many people committing suicide? What is the role of mainstream media in the era of fake news and post-truth in perpetuating suffering? How is the quality of mercy and compassion affected by religions, politics, geopolitics, bureaucracy, and commercialisation? (A multimedia, transmedia and non-linear document. It will grow over time.)
The Many 'Faces' of Suffering in the World
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An iconic image of human suffering...Carter's winning photo shows a heart-breaking scene of a starving child collapsed on the ground, struggling to get to a food center during a famine in the Sudan in 1993. In the background, a vulture stalks the emaciated child....Haunted by the horrific images from Sudan, Carter committed suicide in 1994 soon after receiving the award. Source
Cluster of Topics

Proposed Core Topics
Pain, Suffering and Death in Facts and Figures : Examining Global and National Statistics on Negative Social and Ecological Trends (Conflicts, wars, deaths, suicides, environmental toxins, climate disasters, ill-health, affliction of affluence, afflictions of poverty, meaninglessness, biodiversity loss, forest cover loss, water scarcity, alienation, food insecurity and malnutrition, human trafficking, genocides, forced, migrants, slavery, flesh trade, trade in animals, etc)
Suffering in the Human World: Inequality, Poverty, Affluence, Retail and Structural, physical and Symbolic Violence, Health, Genocides
Existential Suffering
Suffering in the Non-Human World: Biosphere Destruction/Ecological Disasters/ Wars/Ecocides
Interrogating Neo-Liberalism/Capitalist Development and Its Contribution to Human and Non-Human Suffering
The Political Economy of Sustainable Development Agenda
The TINA Mindset and Violence
Ethics and the Future of Pain, Suffering, Disaster and Death
The Future of the Self and the Other Relationship
All Topics
Section A: Overviews
Pain, Suffering and Death in Facts and Figures : Examining Global and National Statistics on Negative Social and Ecological Trends (Conflicts, wars, deaths, suicides, environmental toxins, climate disasters, ill-health, affliction of affluence, afflictions of poverty, meaninglessness, biodiversity loss, forest cover loss, water scarcity, alienation, food insecurity and malnutrition, human trafficking, genocides, forced, migrants, slavery, flesh trade, trade in animals, etc)
Suffering in the Human World: Inequality, Poverty, Affluence, Retail and Structural, Physical and Symbolic Violence, Health, Genocides
Existential Suffering
Suffering in the Non-Human World: Biosphere Destruction/Ecological Disasters/ Wars/Ecocides
Interrogating Neo-Liberalism/Capitalist Development and Its Contribution to Human and Non-Human Suffering
The Political Economy of Sustainable Development Agenda
The TINA Mindset and Violence
Ethics and the Future of Pain, Suffering, Disaster and Death
The Future of the Self and the Other Relationship
Section B: Themes in Suffering:
Individual, Structural, Trans-Species and the Future
The Human Body in Pain and Socio-Technological Dystopias
Industrial Farming System, Institutionalisation of Cruelty and 'Farmageddon'
The Industrialisation of Food Production (Industrial Agriculture), Industrial Kitchen, Health, Modern Diseases and Medical Industry
Market, Consumerism and Materialism
Inequality, Marginalisation and Victimisation
Migrants, Refugees, Human Trafficking, and Modern Slavery
Climate Injustice, Climate Crimes and Eco-Fascism
Fake News and Post-Truth and the Role of Mainstream Media in Human Suffering
Panopticon, Surveillance and Control
Nationalism, Nazism and Fascism
Interrogating Conflicts, Wars, Weaponisation, Arms Industry and the Military
Geopolitics and Violence
Interrogating Violence in Socialism, Capitalism, Fascism and Extremist Religious Groups
Mainstream Development Path and Victimology
Pornography and the Pleasure/Entertainment Industry
Torture, Assassinations, Genocides and Ecocides
Fragmentation and Alienation
'Nature-Deficiency', Solastalgia and Ecopsychology
Occupation, Meaninglessness and Stress
Ethics and the Future of Pain, Suffering, Disaster and Death
The Future of Self and the Other Relationship.