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A relationship that needs a lot of critical attention and contemplation. The seemingly innocent and mutually beneficial relationship is at the root of our civilisational crisis today. These two institutional complexes extensively feed on each other. They measure their individual successes by each other's standards in calculated disregard, or blindness, to the many contexts they depend on or they impact upon. Never mind the unsustainable ecological footprint of this relationship. Never mind the impact on the various strata of society or on ecology. Never mind the 'wholesale or retail' violence they can be implicated in. Unfortunately, education itself has slowly become a function of the mindless, for-profit industry. The whole socio-technical and institutional edifice that grows out of this is directly or indirectly wrecking havoc, endangering the biosphere and all life. It is creating challenges at a planetary level and through our choices and lifestyles, we are all implicated in it. It is the impact of this relationship on society and ecology that places compassion on the global agenda. it is urgent. It also urgently calls for a learning ecology that makes us better versions of ourselves not functions of a huge man-made immoral/harmful machines. How do we reimagine this relationship for compassionate futures?