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Compassion and Social Communication (3 Months International programme based on the encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si: On the Care of Our Common Home. (Completed). Based on the Learning Ecology approach. (A dedicated website on this programme is in progress. Will be announced in November).
See the output of the group project here: UNFOLD NEST. Also, see a flipbook on the Lessons Inspired by Laudato Si.

Innovate More Inclusive
Virtues in Movement (On Virtues, Values and the Search for Meanings). Nurturing Virtues for the Common, and Public, Good. The first stage of the project is in progress. Please check here for details. Growing video collection here.
Work In Progress
Being Developed on Collaborative Platforms
Compassion: An Introduction
Birthing New Worlds: A Study of New Glossaries
Imagining New Worlds: Decolonising Hegemonic Narratives
Cosmological and Indigenous Worldviews: Recovering Ancient Development Pathways
Frames Analysis, Critical Mindfulness and Reading the Signs of the Times