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Cluster 1:

Social Ecology of Orientation

Theory, Methodology and Praxis

How do we make sense of the world and plot active network of learning pathways to understand such life nurturing realities like love, care, trust, dignity, grace, virtues, sacred, and compassion? How do we make sense of new humanities and recover realities that have been marginalsied, trivialised, demonised or submerged by a masculine, heart-less and spirit-less, pure logic driven, expert-controlled, and reality-dissecting and disintegrating disciplinarity? How and why do we need to create new bodies of Integrative/trans-knowledge by re-looking at the eco-socio-spiritual complexity we are deeply immersed in? How do we grow a new mode of seeing? How do we engage with the world through transdisciplinarity, transformative learning and civic engagement in order to deeply understand compassion? How can we take steps to find pathways back 'home' to Mother Nature and our humanity. (This is a collaborative multimedia, transmedia and non-linear document. It will grow over time.)

Growing  A New Mode Seeing.

A Combination of Experiences, Deep Listening, Readings, Contemplation, Dialogue, Critique and Action. 


Modes of 'seeing' the world. Modes of making sense of it. Exploring. Doubting. Facing discomfort. Questioning. Mindfulness. Seeing through the status quo. Repositioning. Deschooling. Decolonising. Seeing the world differently. Recovering submerged/marginalised realities. Reaching/recovering silences. Reading and Re-reading. Understanding the signs of the times. Reframing. Renaming. Transforming.


There is a need to change our mode of seeing the complexity we are an integral part of. It is not a world just out there (exteriority). It is as much in here (interiority). It is a world of 'inter-being'. It is not a world, disciplinarity likes to describe it as. The complexity we are an integral part of is deeply inter-connected and inter-dependent, not-just-black-and-white-but-grey, multi-layered, multi-functional, multi-directional, multi-media, multi-spatial, multi-trans-temporal, multi-species, multi-trans-community, material, spiritual, and continuously 'emergent'. We need a new mode of seeing such realities as compassion in its totality. A cosmological outlook. An interconnected 'ecological' view. A complex totality. 


(Here is a selection of readings that challenged me and changed my views, 'frames' of understanding, or modes of seeing and modes being in the world.) 


Cluster of Topics

Proposed Core Topics


  • Why Do We Need to Rethink Humanities?

  • New Humanities/Numanities

  • Method and Methodological Orientation

  • Complexity

  • Transdisciplinarity

  • Transformative Learning

  • Civic Engagement

  • Alienation

  • Deschooling and Conscientisation

  • Decolonisation

  • Hegemony and Counter Hegemony

  • Virtues, Values and Meanings

  • Praxis, Reflexivity and Praxiology

  • Cosmology/Totality

  • Critical Mindfulness

  • New Glossaries, New Worlds, New Narratives, & New Ways of Being



All Topics


Section A:

Setting the Stage for the "Journey Back Home"


  • Why Do We Need to Rethink Humanities? New Humanities/Numanities

  • The Challenge of Corporatised Education and the "Bu-Bu Approach"

  • Human? Humanism, Neo-Humanism, Trans-humanism and Post-Humanism

  • The Right to Be: Dignity and Rights/Human and Nature Rights

  • Social Evil and Techno-Dystopia

  • Reimaging Eco-Social and Spiritual Complexity

  • Exploring New Ecologies of Learning



Section B:

Halting To Take a "U-Turn or Diversion"


  • Method and Methodological Orientation

  • Transdisciplinarity and the Eco-Social and Spiritual Complexity

  • Praxis, Reflexivity and Praxiology

  • Normality and Everyday Life

  • Deschooling, Conscientisation and Decolonialisation

  • Lessons from Indigeneity and Femininity  

  • Transformative Learning and Challenging Assumptions

  • Critical Civic Engagement and Citizenship

  • Marxism and Political Economy

  • Cosmology/Totality

  • Reflection /Contemplation/Meditation 

  • 'Frame Zooms' Approach to Analysis

  • Critical Mindfulness & Reading the Signs of the Times

  • Dialogical Method and Dialogism

  • Counter-Hegemonic, Anti-Colonial Narratives/Counter-Narratives

  • Socially-Engaged Spirituality



Section C:

Taking the "Journey Towards Home"


  • Ecology of Futures

  • Critical Followership and Leadership

  • Virtues, Values and Meanings

  • Inter-Faith, Trans-faith and Public Theology

  • Reflections on Minimalism

  • Cosmos, Nature and Our Animality

  • Localism, Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism

  • Rethinking University, Imagining Multiversity and Transversity

  • Alternative Pathways: Charters, Planetary Futures and Social Utopias

  • Illuminating New Realities, Bodies of Knowledge and Practice (e.g. Compassion Studies)

  • New Glossaries, New Worlds, New Narratives and New Ways of Being

This not-for-profit site, created by Nat (Dr. M. Nadarajah), former Chair Professor at Xavier Centre for New Humanities and Compassion Studies, Xavier University Bhubaneswar, India, is purely for educational purpose. [Please note: I have used many of my photos. In addition, I have curated/sourced photos from, www. and Thank you to all photographers who have shared their creativity and hard work. Special thanks to Gerd Altmann ( whose imaginative composition of socially relevant images seem to exactly fit my creative needs. Where possible, all other web resources have been duly linked to original source. Thank you.] 2020/2021  

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