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Avoiding sentimentalisation, religionisation, politicisation, commercialisation, and bureaucratisation of compassion. Going beyond health or end-of-life care focus. Explore critical mindfulness in the service of compassion. Building transdisciplinarity, transformative learning and civic engagement concerns into compassion studies. Nurturing your contemplative abilities. Promoting a compassion learning ecology.
Orientation of Learners and Learning Pathways
The orientation distinction are made below without any moral judgement. They are just observations.

(1) Casual Interest in Compassion
You just want an idea of what this compassion 'thingy' is about. You do not have the time. It is just another thing you want to know and add to you general knowledge.
Suggested Learning Path
Please go to e-Cards/Info-graphics page. Explore the page. Explore each of the cards and you will get an idea of what compassion is or is not. You will also find info-graphics on human and non-human suffering. Compassion and suffering cannot be separated. There are many types of suffering, both existential ones, like death and grief, and man-made ones i.e. social suffering caused by institutions or policies. Get acquainted with the field.
Explore the web further. For instance, explore the international days dedicated to reminding us of human suffering and the human ability to reach to help others, including non-human lives. If you like to take another step in your exposure, I suggest that you go to the audio-visual page. And if it inspires you, do scan through the whole website.
(Note: If any e-card or info-graphics is not accurate, please alert me. )
(2) Interested in a Structured Programme on Compassion.
Interested in Acquiring a Certificate. Want to Know and Act Compassionately As a Career.
You are what everyone would say a 'normal' students. You are a 'conformist learner'. You are interested in new areas of studies that have a future as a career. You want a certificate that you want to use to serve your occupational future. You need a structured learning space, a structured knowledge package, structured assignments and external evaluations. You see all this as being practical and realistic. You see corporate leaders as your models of achievement. You will look at what universities sell as innovative knowledge packages. You need a certificate in compassion studies that can help build your career and your future.
Suggested Learning Path
Short term (3 months to 6 months certificate) and long term programmes (post-graduate diploma/degree) are being planned in collaboration with other organisations and institutions, within and outside India. A young public intellectual doctoral programme is also under consideration. Because of the pandemic, we are unable to run onsite programmes/courses at the moment. Online versions are being innovated for self-directed learners. Do check the website on a regular basis. It will be announced.
Meanwhile, you can explore this site, particularly here. And here . And if you want to, please explore the whole site You can also send us a note.
(3) Interested in a Journey of Learningful Encounters with Compassion.
Not Really Interested in Pursuing a Certificate. But Want to Know and Act Compassionately.
You are the seeker-learner of sorts. You are a 'non-conformist learner'. You have a lot of questions about mainstream education. You are highly motivated and a committed self-directed learner. You are also multimedia/trans-media and multi-directional learner. You think the learning process should allow you to add areas and topics to what is formally offered. You need a course that you can help grow into a better version of yourself to serve the common good. You want to know more about yourself, deeply. You want to know about the world around you. You are ready to question the taken-for-granted worlds you are in. You are ready to get out of your comfort zones. You respect authority bit not afraid to raise questions. You want to know more what leads to suffering. You yearn to contribute to a better world. You want to know more about compassion to act compassionately. As well as other ways of making a significant contribution. You want to act compassionately in your private as well as public life. You have no particular interest in a package of knowledge that leads to certificates (certificate, diploma or degree). Your learning journey is crucial to you as a guide to a meaningful life.
Suggested Learning Path
As a passionate self-directed learner, you can do many things here at this site as well as out in the field (taking all the precautions needed in this period of a pandemic). You can start with the workbook here. And, continue here. Then, please explore the Charter for Compassion. See what other people are actually doing. Please take some time to do all these and reflect. To add on to understanding your learning journey, please explore this page and the suggested links (on our approach to learning). As you seek, there may be a time, when you want to get in touch. Please explore the whole site when time and interest permits. [We are planning "young public intellectual" programmes including a young public intellectual doctoral programme (for about 5 persons). Will announce this when and if any of the programmes are ready for enrollment.]