Guidelines and Suggestions
These are guidelines, not prescriptions. This is also to support the concerns/questions here. Contributors are encouraged to keep their videos interesting and learningful encounters for young people. They are also encouraged to keep the following in mind:
1) Clarity over the 4 main conceptual areas (vices, virtues, values, meanings or any new areas that may be added) and their critical relationship. (Please try to avoid videos that are merely definitional.)
2) Offer theoretical approaches or frameworks or ways of thinking about the 3 areas in understandable ways for young people (examples, personal experience, metaphors, case studies, etc).
3) Ground discussion to global eco-social and spiritual challenges and inspiring alternatives.
3) Ground conversations/discussions/presentations in sketches of histories and cultures of vices and virtues, or values and purposeful life
4) Use practical examples or case studies to elaborate or make a point or to crticise.
5) The power and the problems of living a life of virtues and values and meaningfulness.
6) Examples of personal and public applications of virtues in relations to values and meanings.
7) Critical takeaways or proposals for youth not just on acting but also for continuous stories to live by.
Suggested Key Words to be Included in the Conversations
Neo-liberal Order
Followership & Leadership
Common Good
Public Good
Monologue and Dialogue
Global Eco-Socio Problems
Inequality and Exploitation
Justice (Different species - Distributive, Restorative, Ecological, social, etc)
Cruelty and Suffering
Everyday and Structural Violence
Uselessness, Meaninglessness and Suicide
Social Evil
Faith and Spirituality
Moral and Values Crises
Character and Civil Society
Future(s) and 'Pluriverse'
Sustainability and Spirituality
The System and Choices We Make
TINA (There-Is-No-Alternative)
Principles/Principled life

Generally, the videos will not be categorised for now. The contributor's background will, of course, be indicated against the video. If we have to in the future, we will do it. However, for now, we will make only one necessary special category for university students (will also include other young people of the same age group) who would be contributing to this collection. It is a part of the learning journey for the young. And, an opportunity for the old and experienced and the young and growing to engage and learn from each other.
Categories of Videos
Student Project
University teachers who are involved in this effort can encourage their senior students to do a project on the concerns of this initiative as part of their curricular activity. The same can be submitted to this initiative. Or, it can be done specifically for this initiative.This video project can be an individual or a group effort.
Young persons in a non-institutional setting or working with civil society organisations can also do this as a project. The videos can be uploaded to their personal youtube channels, organisation websites and also shared with us.
Whatever the contexts, there is a need to go through a reflection/ contemplation stage as part of the learning/sharing process. Please go through this page carefully.
Some Quick Tips/Info
1) Please take time to go through the Background and Concerns pages. Please, go through the whole site eventually. You can 'scan read' it.
2) Reflect/Contemplate. Discuss if you need to.
3) Frame your presentation with your analysis.
4) See it in the context of your life journeys/experiences/learnings.
5) Prepare to share your story. Give it a title.
5) Write it out (as a script on a digital paper or mentally).
6) If you are doing it for the first time, do at least one rehearsal.
7) Imagine an important young adult sitting in front of you, listening to you.
8) Avoid starting or ending your recording abruptly.
9) You could start by a 'hello' and end with a 'thank you'. Anything interesting. Say these words in your own language, for instance. Do keep it short.
10) Student contributors can also think of a song (on video) capturing the concerns of this initiative. In addition, you may also share a poster on the concerns.
11) Record for about 10 - 15 minutes. If you have more to share, do think of doing not more than 3 parts.
12) Please check out the Video Help page for some very basic information on recording and delivering the video.
13) Please do add the following when you send your video: name, designation, location, organisation/university if any, and a brief note giving us the right to use your video for this educational, non-profit initiative (to Share any website you may have.