Problematics and Pathways
The problems, prospects and potential before us. And some resources, in case you want
to explore the knowledge ecology of the interconnected realities we are exploring. More on the web.
“What influences our individual and collective decisions and actions? Our vices? Our virtues? Our values? Or the meanings we associate with our acts? The political, economic, social, cultural, digital contexts we live in? Or, a combination? Do we act as we must? Or, do we compromise? Do our acts at a personal level produce adverse effect at a public level e.g. ecological level because of our indiscriminate personal consumption? Can growth of affluence at one level, which is a measure of positive achievement, a valued status, also mean more meaninglessness or more inequality and poverty at another? What is the nature of values that on one hand promote affluence which on the other produce misery? How do we make sense of this? Can we consistently act for an inclusive common good, which also includes Nature? Why? How?”

Earth Charter
Relationship Between Virtues and Values
Virtue Ethics
Shared Virtue: The Convergence of Valued Human Strengths Across Culture and History (Download/pdf)
A Return to Virtues
Global Values: A New Paradigm for a New World
Civic Virtue
The Concept of Common Good (Working Paper/pdf)
The Common Good and Thinking Ethically
Spirit in Education Movement
Auroville Learning
People's Planet Project
A Framework for Character Education in Schools (pdf)
Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues
Bhoomi College
Virtue Ethics: An Ancient Solution to a Modern Problem
An Islamic Treasury of Virtues (pdf)
The Virtuous, the Critical and the Trustworthy: Citizen Ideals and Forms of Democratic Participation (Restricted Access)
What is Virtues Education?
Declaration Toward a Global Ethic (pdf)
Global Economic Ethic
Charter of New Alliance of Virtue
Neo-Humanist Statement
Neohumanism: A Renaissance in Education
Neohumanist Educational Futures: Liberating the Pedagogical Intellect (pdf)
Civic Duties, Civic Virtues, and the Barriers to Effective Citizenship
The Problem of Universal Values in World Politics (pdf)
Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (Book/pdf)
Value and Values: Economics and Justice in an Age of Independence (Info on Book)
A Critical Analysis of Values Clarification (pdf)
Seven Virtues for Promoting Character Education in Latin America
Fourteen Virtues of Buddhism (downloadable/pdf)
The Bullshit Jobs (Meaningless/Book Review)
Four Virtues: Interventions for Goodness' Sake (Thesis/pdf)
Corruption, Corporate Character-Formation and ‘Value-Strategy’ (pdf)
The African Ethic of Ubuntu
Seven Indigenous “Spiritual” Principles
The Classification of Character Strengths and Virtues
The Moral Dilemmas of Global Business
Gandhi and the Virtue of Non-Violence
Some Problems of Values Clarification (pdf)
The Origin of Modern Meaninglessness
The Human Search for Meaning
Overview of Logotherapy
Applying Virtue Ethics to the Challenge of Corruption
The Arts in Turbulent Times
Virtues Vs. Values
Bushido's Eight Virtues
What Will You Do With Your Life?
Civilizing Society: Virtues, Freedom, and Development
Values Clarification Destroys Conscience
The Brain and the Meaning of Live
The Vices and Virtues of “Populisms”
The Global Fight against Corruption: A Foucaultian, Virtues-Ethics Framing (Downloadable/pdf)
Gandhi's Tens Words of Wisdom
Maori Values Can Reinvigorate a New Zealand Philosophy (Thesis/pdf)
Living in an Age of Spiritual Crisis (Video)
Loób and Kapwa: Thomas Aquinas and a Filipino Virtue Ethics (Thesis/Downloadable)
The Political Economy of Virtue: Luxury, Patriotism, and the Origins of the French Revolution
Virtue Ethics for the Prevention and Fight Against Corruption in Cameroon (Thesis/pdf)
Ten Myths About Character, Virtue, and Virtue Education - Plues Three Well-Founded Misgivings (pdf)
Living Values Education
Five Global Issues to Watch in 2020
Slides on Selected Lists of Virtues
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