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Your Are Cordially Invited to Our 'Virtual Campfire 1'

30 - 31 January 2021: 9.30 am - 1.30 pm (IST)


Important Note


  • Bonafide students will get a "certificate of participation' (only soft copy) from the Indian Social Institute, New Delhi and Loyola Institute for Peace and International Relation, Kochi, India. This is only for full participation.  Please apply to Nirmal  Khadri: . You will receive an online certificate after February 15th.


  • For those participating in the Heart-to-Heart sessions with the film makers on the 30th and 31st January, please see the documentaries in advance. Check here.



2020-21 VIM Network. Collaborative effort of many  individuals, institutions, universities and organisations around the world. Managed by Indian Social Institute and Loyola Institute of Peace and International Relations, India. Proudly created with

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